Well I've been definitely taken a beaten this past couple of days... Oh man, oh man... Bills that come over charged... Classes that have been cancelled... No money... No women... Lot's of drama...
Oh well I guess you can't win all the time huh?
At least I can say that I'm over the little 'flu' symptoms I had over the last week, and well my pulled tight is a lot better. Heh... See not everything is as bad as it appears...
Although I fucked up big time! Yup, now I gotta figure out a way to make things right with this person I've been meaning to hit it off with but I guess I fucked up big time. What a dumbass... when will I learn?
This is what happens when I try to be too 'cool', haha... Oh well...
I will have to make it up somehow... I guess a card won't do the trick this time...
And why the fuck am I using the '...' so much????
There's so much I wanna tell this person but yet I dunno how. I guess the best way to tell someone the feelings you have towards them is just telling them straight up, although I know that's not the best way sometimes.
I feel like an asshole, and it's probably because I've been one for such a long time. I hate myself for not being able to control my feelings and as always I just go trigger happy and go off on the wrong person.
I need to get my shit together and FAST, 'cos I'm only screwing myself up over time...
Tisk, tisk...
Oh man... I'm making no sense again...