Thursday, September 15, 2005

Something I forgot...

Main Entry: for·give·ness
Pronunciation: -'giv-n&s
Function: noun: the act of forgiving

Main Entry: for·give
Pronunciation: f&r-'giv, for-
Function: verbInflected
Form(s): for·gave /-'gAv/; for·giv·en /-'gi-v&n/; -giv·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English forgifan, from for- + gifan to givetransitive senses
1 a : to give up resentment of or claim to requital for
b : to grant relief from payment of
2 : to cease to feel resentment against (an offender) : PARDON intransitive senses : to grant forgiveness

For some reason it appears as if this word has been completely eliminated from my mind. Now that I look at it, I used to be a forgiving person and would normally shrug off stuff that ppl would do, especially when the thing they did would hurt me.

However somehow around the road I manage to become an angry pissed off person who would look for the way to get back at ppl. Now that I'm analyzing it, this has been going on for some time. Dunno what or when was the thing that changed me, but I've become someone who I'm not. Some event's that happened during the weekend made me realize that I'm not the person that I used to be and it really sucks.

I'm really more happy being the way that I was. Not holding grudges or just being pissed at ppl. Tonight I started changin' by first opening the communication channel with T. See we had this nasty 'episode' during the weekend and well it really pissed me off, since a lot of things were said and some of them really were not meant to be said. Anyhow being mad at her won't change what happend and also I feel bad about some stuff I said and realize that I was waaaay out of line.

Anyhow stuff happen and I called her to apologize for what I said. I was mad at her and I realize that she was sorry also for what she did and in the end everything seems to be ok. Funny...


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