Saturday, September 10, 2005

Waste of energy?


Yup, sometimes the things we do are a waste of time, energy and effort. But then again if you look at a situation like that carefully, you would probably just look back at it and laugh your ass off.


Well... probably cos you realize that even though you think it's a waste of all the things mentioned above, in a way it's a nice learning experience and in some times it's just funny and then it hits you! YOU HAD A BLAST DOING ALL THAT STUPID SHIT!!!!

That's why even though I've been having a tough time lately I'm not too disappointed, mad or angry at the world. Sure I mean I hated it for a while but now I'm just laughing. Now it's time to move on! Have fun, lookk for some new project which is gonna spend all that time, energy and effort AGAIN!


I need to write more on this mofo...

I'm off to go partying...



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