Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Hehehe... I wonder sometimes why stupid shit or not even stupid, just funny shit happen to me. For instance today on the train I was pondering on something which is suppose to be really important and I was worrying my balls off. I was worrying sooooo much that I didn't even realize when the lady that was sitting in front of me(yeah the one with the large bag!) stood up to get off the train and hit me(accidentally), in the balls...

Yup! Believe me, it hurted a lot and what's worse is that apparently the lady didn't even acknowledge what had just happend since she was worrying about getting off at the right stop.

Hhhhmmmmm... this is definitely a sign... A sign that I should stop worrying too much about stuff and just live life a little. Things take it's course for a reason, no matter what the outcome will be, I mean that's why it's fun to live it right? Heh!

On another note, today I had a great time hanging out with my roomies for a while. We usually don't get together to talk about stuff(since lately our schedules appear to be all over the place!), but today we just hanged out and talked smack for a while. I'm actually happy to have the girls(Yadi, and Sayuri) as roomies, they are down to earth and crazy in their own way. I like it, to me it is starting to feel like I'm at home, after all these months...



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