Monday, August 28, 2006

Safe Haven... ?!?

Dammit it is truly an adventure just trying to get home. ESPECIALLY if you bike around in this city. Not long ago (around a month or so) some guy almost ran over me as he was coming out of a gas station because he didn't look both ways. Luckily on that occasion I was able to jump off the bike before her ran over me as well...

TODAY some bitch caught my rear wheel because of the same reason. As I was crossing the walkway down on Moraga & 19th, she just didn't 'bothered' to look both ways. Since apparently she wanted to make a right turn on a red and beat the oncoming traffic, she just kept on going and as I was just clearing her car she caught my back wheel. Ridiculous if you ask me, I mean I know sometimes you are in a hurry and want to test your 'abilities' behind the wheel but always make sure to look both ways every fucking time! I'm pissed, really pissed... but oh well.

At least I can say that I got out of this one without a scratch and I'm also lucky that my bike didn't suffer any damage, 'cos it would suck if anything else would happen to it. Not only do I still have to find a nice matching wheel for it, but yeah I need to have someoen take a look at it and do some maintenance on it. It's on priority right now, as I notice that it's time to get new tubes for it, and also I gotta replace the front brakes, although I guess I'll do that after I find the wheel for it.

Oh well, I'm done ranting for right now...


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