Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Back from the dead...

So after a pretty exciting, crazy and loooong weekend I finally got to sleep just enough to recover from it all. So gladly I sleep 'till noon today until I got a call from Guaiamun (Tony) asking me if we were gonna met up today to play some music which never happened since we met up too late, but anyhow he came to pick me up and we stopped by Mestre's house just to say hi and talk some smack as usual, hehe...

Anyways after hangin' around and finding out that Mestre's got a lotta stuff that's really stressing him out we headed over to a school in the western addition (I forgot the name), in which T's teaching a couple of capoeira classes to the kids and I just came along to help him out a bit. I really loved going to the school even though the kids are all younger than the ones that I teach and a lot more wilder!

Nevertheless for me the experience was a good one not only because I am getting more experience with teaching kids, but also because I got to see and in a way analyze the different behaviorism (not sure if that's the word I'm looking for...) of the kids in this new school and compare it to the other two school's. It made me think of the different ways in which school's tend to be structurized and the influence in which that has on the school's population. Also the influence that other factors have, for instance the type of background the kids have(which include both financially as well as ethnic), and even the treatment that some kids get at home. It's all overwhelming when you kinda think about it, or at least it is in my case. Maybe it's cos I just until recently have started teaching and before that I never truly thought much about it.

Anyway's after the classes I got a ride over to Lynn's(Pula Pula) house and just chilled for a while, talking the usual smack and just spending time. Although I knew it was a bad idea(cos she was feeling sick) I forced P into going to train today and so we headed over to Capp St. I kinda feel bad about doing that since I really don't think she was up for it, and then I felt actually worse later on...

Sooo... we got to class and we got a bonus today since Contra Mestre Virgulino taugh us class today. Man I was so happy, cos even thought it was a hard class(I'm gonna probably be hurting tomorrow) it was just amazing to be learning the tricky yet off the hook moves and sequences he did(I gotta definitely write down those before I forget). Also I got a clear idea as to how to train the crazy ass cordao de ouro au(oh yes I will master that move!), plus got an idea as to how put together a couple of movements which I use a lot.

Then after class was over we had a small roda which was fun... although I crashed legs with Jacob and even though nothing bad happened I kinda feel it was my fault cos I shoulda controlled my kick. But other than that no worries, I think I'm ready for the weekend, just take it easy the next couple of days and hopefully no unsuspected injuries take place (oh yeah I am ready!).

Anyhow after that was over I got to interact(more smack talking!) with the crew and then I saw that P was kinda out of it. I went to talk to her and well even though she was glad she had taken class she was really frustrated about not being able to do a lot of the movements. That's when I started to feel more bad because I'm not the best person to cheer other people up and I just didn't knew what to say. Then she kinda just grabbed her stuff and left and now I'm carrying that burden... I guess I'll have to figure a way to cheer her up...

That was pretty much how my Monday went...


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