Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Preparing For The Inevitable

So now that we have the information on our event, and know that it is gonna take place on the first weekend of November we have started to step it up on our training. Specially since Mestre just got back from an event in Champaign, Illinois; and well he was impressed by the speed of our soon to be guests. He started to tell us after class about the incidents that happened and how Instructor Pedrinho almost got hit straight in the face by one of Kibe's mea-lua's but luckily he had someone up there looking out for him.

Anyhow just hearing stories like that kinda pump me up in a way since I'm excited about seeing the guys that are coming and their style of play, BUT also it kinda makes me worry a little bit since I know I'm gonna have to play with some of them as well... but then again I'm a beginner and everyone loves beginners right???

Things are not gonna get any easier from now on, specially for me since aparently I got a first seat ticket to hell now, and I just got my confirmation on it. After class I got a ride with Mestre and he went straight to the subject and said that I was gonna feel the wrath of Kibe... well ok I'm exagerating things and being a little melodramatic about it, but he did say that I was gonna play with him. Which don't get me wrong I'm totally looking forward to it, but now that I know that I'm gonna get my ass whooped I'm feeling kinda uneasy about it. Oh well c'est la vie I guess I'm gonna have to learn how to duck a little bit faster huh?? *he,he...*

Gotta call my insurance... Oh well everything will be alright... (as long as I escape!)


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