Monday, November 29, 2004

Back again!

Man it does feel like I haven't put any post in a loooonnnnggg time, and well I haven't since what Wednesday?? or something like that?? yeah I must admit I been kinda busy and also distracted with other stuff... (as usual!)

Anyhow the long weekend was good, ate a lot, chilled a lot with most of my friends, and basically just been from one place to another. Haven't spent too much time at home lately and I just need to catch up on a lot of stuff... Gotta start decorating the house, gotta clean the car(I been on that since last month... hhhmmm), dammit I know I got something more to do but I just can remember... oh yeah I gotta make a new arame for my berimbau... uuummm... I gotta make a list so I don't keep on forgetting.

Anyways these past couple of days I been kinda out of it, I'm just frustrated a little bit with the way life has been going. I mean overall it's ok, but I dunno things just haven't been good. My knee is still hurting(sucks!), I haven't been sleeping a lot lately(lotta shit going on), and just overall I just feel like I'm trapped in a small box or something and I can't get out of it. Usually this always happens towards this time of the year, but I dunno. I guess it's also not helping that I'm looking back at how this year went and overall it sucked for me. Didn't do anything which I can call an 'improvement' in my life. I feel like I'm in the same place as I started the year if not worse...

Let's do a small review:

  • Financially it sucked, I spent more time on the broke list than ever before...
  • Socially it was ok, I met new ppl and made new friends...
  • Love life, this one was nonexistent this year(uumm next)...
  • Capoeira, I think it's the only bright point this year...
  • Family, a lot of sickness with the folks...

Ugh! Oh well... Maybe things will get better in the last month of the year right???

... uh huh...


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