Saturday, April 03, 2010

You want what you can't get...

Like the drops of rain you fell into my life,
attracted to each other we are, a love which will never survive,
Your heart is chained to another space and time,
and I'm, well I'm just drenched here in the cold outside.

In those pretty eyes I can see the life we could have,
but with every blink our reality sets in.
Please don't ask me to come in, how dare you say you'll give me a warm meal.
Can't you just see I'm fine and dandy in this cold spot right now.

It's not that I can't answer, it's just that I'm daydreaming in my mind,
I can see the flowers blossoming in the spring,
I see myself running down a stream,
thinking of nothing but how life would be,
if this wasn't a dream.

It's ok, I'll be around,
We'll meet at the same spot tomorrow.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

To that cutie...

Your smile sparkles each time you laugh,
try to hide it with your accent,
but those pretty eyes of you tell me what's going deep inside you,
because every time you look into my eyes I can see your hunger.

I know you like me, as I do too,
if circumstances were different it would be a different story,
but you have someone, and I'm not looking for anyone to be true to,
so for the most simplest of reasons we cannot be together.

I'm sure, the great ones through history
would not believe their eyes as something so simple as our attraction
is not consumed with great passion.

Well, at least we had tonight... sleep tight.