Wednesday, April 19, 2006

On a side note...

On Tuesday Danielle came to see where I live for the first time.


She's going through so much right now that I dunno what to do. Definitely in such a short time I have been able to get to know a lot about her. It's funny that I have met a lot of ppl in my lifetime(sometimes I think it's been waaaaay too much), but I don't think I've known so much about someone in such a little time frame of knowing them.

Also I've realize that I have opened my personal life to her more than any other person. I wish I could do that more often and let her know more of the past that I've decided to 'forget' and leave in the past. I dunno, sometimes I think it's better not to remember it and just leave it where it belongs. In the past...

Hhhhmmmm... oh well...
All in due time I guess...
For now I just wanna appreciate what little time we spend around each other.



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