Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I'm happy!

I moved all my stuff to the new room yesterday and I gotta admit that I like the place!
Definitely looks pretty good, and i think it will look a lot better once I get my new bed and the right dresser.


It's a good thing that I'm done with that since for some reason I've been feeling really tired... I guess I might be getting sick or something.. ugh! That's what happens when you are around kids all the time I guess.. hehe..

Or maybe it because this past weekend I only slept like 6 hours all thanks to being out partying... haha...

It's ok thought I got no regrets. Got to party a lot, met new ppl... hehe(a story there...) But yeah my body is totally tired. Also I think the reason that I'm tired is because I've been missing out on meals and I'm not eating well... hhhmmm... Not that I don't like to eat, but it's just that I've been really occupied a lot and it sucks...

Anyhow about the weekend I got to meet this girl who caught my eye. I mean a lot of girls catch my eye and devoted attention but this one is a bit different. It's been a long time since I've had any conversations that are as deep and intriguing with someone and this one definitely memerized me. Too bad that even thought it was great I gotta put this one as a platonic one.. Nope I'm not crazy, I'm just saying cos there's a couple of factors here, hhmmmm... ok a lot of factors... like for instance, she lives in LA, uuummmm... she has a boyfriend(hehe, not like that has ever stopped me but you know...), let's see... I dunno I guess those are my 'excuses'. But then again you never know, I think I might hang out with her this weekend since she's going back on Monday or something. I'll keep you posted.



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