Sunday, March 26, 2006


I love Sunday's... well at the least the ones when I don't have to work. Also the ones where there's no drama going on... like today!

This is the first Sunday in a long ass time that I have done nothing but just stay in bed resting and recovering from a long week of working, partying, and handling a lot of 'issues'. For some reason it feels like today is the marking point to something, like the end of a period of my life. Well it should, for one I feel more at ease with the whole situation with Danielle. Have I learned to not be so attached to her? Hhhhmmm maybe not, but oh well, time heals that or something right... or at least that's what she says.

My mom called me earlier today to see how I was doin'. It's been some time since I've talked to her, what maybe like one month, or two... Damn time has flown by. I've been caught up in my own shit that I haven't even paid any attention to other things. I need to clean my room, and for that matter the house. Dammit... hehehe.

Today's a nice beautiful day outside, and I should be going out to enjoy it, but I think that for now it's better to just stay home and do my chores. I haven't spend a single day or at least a good portion of it in my house. I need to stay in today...

I went yesterday to an art gallery called "Battle Emblems" going on at the Intersection. It was pretty cool, it helped me get stuff out of my head for a while and it made me realized that no matter what the future holds for me everything will be alright. Got some of those pics here.

Man my mind is just going nuts today...
Got a lot of stuff in it, but all of it seems to be going in the right direction. I can't feel anything going wrong...

I guess my rant for today is over... haha!

Lazy Sunday


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